This week's blog:

Name: Northwest History; Explorations in digital history in the Pacific Northwest--and beyond.
Who: The author is Larry Cebula. He is a Public Historian at Eastern Washington University and Assistant Digital Archivist at the Washington State Digital Archives.
What: You don't need to be a northwest history aficionado to find the blog interesting! Larry Cebula began blogging in May 2007. In his regular posts, the authors explores the intersections of public and digital history. He focuses on the Inland Northwest but also ventures further afield on occasion. Cebula's posts are very diversified, as he includes and writes about videos, pictures, history-relevant online resources, books, and publications, as well as personal trips and teaching experiences. He also includes conference and fellowship announcements.
I wish I could pick a few sample posts to entice you to visit the Northwest History Blog but as I page through the posts I find too many of them interesting (e.g.William Cannon and Revolutionary War Veterans in the American West), informative (e.g. How to Read a Book in One Hour), amusing (e.g. Gallery of 19th Century Facial Hair)
... perhaps the fact that The Cliopatria 2008 Best Individual History Blog award went to Larry Cebula says it all!